Sensing Crystals – Smoky Quartz
Having worked with crystals for over 20 yeas now, I feel that I have a real affinity with them and I love to sense them both for myself for healing and guidance and also to teach others how to sense crystals during my one to one sessions and in my crystal sensing workshops.
I recently re-sensed a smoky quartz crystal, which is one that I use a lot when giving clients a crystal healing treatment and distance healing because of its grounding and protective qualities among other things.
Here is what I received personally from tuning into a smoky quartz tumble stone first and then channelling information about the crystal which I hope you find useful.
Smoky Quartz – cleansing, calming & protecting
This crystal is great at releasing stress and anxiety whilst calming down the nervous system. Letting you feel much more peaceful and strong.
It’s very supportive and grounding and feels like it supports the whole of the back and body. The energy of it went all of the way down into the root chakra, down the legs and then anchored the feet down into the earth.
The feelings that came to me when sensing this crystal were “I can move mountains” and also the feeling of mountain energy along with a river, strong yet gentle at the same time. The energy then connected to all of the chakras, one by one first of all clearing them and then putting its energy of protection around them.
This is a great crystal to work with if you need to make grounded decisions and be decisive as it can help to give you clearer intentions whilst gently earthing and grounding you at the same time.
The image of a stream came to mind where you can see right to the bottom of it, the sand, the mud, the bark, the pebbles and the leaves. Next to the stream I could see two medium sized mountains, by tuning into this energy it allows you to be in the moment and enjoy life.
For more information on classes, one to ones and Crystal Healing and Channelling sessions please contact me.